The odd, queer and quirky at Kenya's national prayer breakfast

PHOTO CAPTION: The tables set for the National Prayer Breakfast at Nairobi's Safari Park Hotel, in this picture that I took early morning, two hours before the guests settled in. A day after calling opposition politicians “fools” anddismissing their style of politics as “uncivilised”, President Uhuru Kenyatta joined other politicians and the country’s top officials for the annual prayer breakfast in Nairobi. The twist of the event saw politicians, who usually tear each other in public forums, and others of them known for impunity and misconduct, gather at the five-star Safari Park Hotel, to preach, pray and sing as they sought divine intervention in the problems of the country. That oddity was not lost on President Kenyatta and his Deputy President William Ruto, who when they rose to speak, had to tell the “wonderful politicians” -- in the President’s words-- to walk the talk. Ruto left the crowd in stitches when he said that the thought it was a “mistake” f...