This is Louis --that interview with artists was tight!

Louis Otieno is one of the few broadcasters I do enjoy watching. Of course (I like that word alot), there is Rama Nyang' and Jeff Koinange. So, I am not talking about broadcasters today, so I will not list all my favourites. That's a story for another day.
So, when he moved to K24 from Citizen TV, Louis moved with his name which is already a brand in media circles. He hosts a weekly talkshow, really a discussion like that of CNN's Larry King, that is not only informative, but truly resonates with the people of Kenya.
So here he was this Wednesday night with leading artists in Kenya, the cream of the entertainers of this country. There was Nameless and Juacali (all musicians), the talented Arthur K. (a TV music producer), Larry Asego and Kajairo (influential radio personalities in their own right) and one Ben Njiru, a man in a smart suit, I don't know who he is.
The chitchat focused on the constitution. But then there was the usual bibble-babble about being left out of the Constitution, the same blame to the government (Arthur my man!) and a lot more...
But what stood out most was the contribution by the artists, the call by Jua Cali telling the often misled young people to focus on that which they love most...Bidii Yangu kind of thing. Nameless to said a similar thing, "Hata kama sivai tai, madharau haifai", then bring in Kajairo, the Q-FM presenter and he was point blank "Tunaweza". Before they could finish, Larry was there with doing what you can and should and stop blaming the government, and then Njiru finished with a special motivational tidbit....spiritual strength....something akin to "Yes we can".
With this kind of show, the kind of message and the kind of things these guys have been through, I just can't help but love them. Surely, Nameless from the mega rider days until now when he has a cult following and even MAMA to himself, ditto Juacali, perhaps the biggest miracle in music.
These are people worth emulating. Keep it up Louis!


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