Three sides of a lion story...

I just watched news. David Ndii, an economist was actually very truthful with the cost implications if the ‘Greens’ have the day.

Fix the governance, at whatever cost, and the business will take care of itself, he said.

But then Njoki Ndung’u speaks and, she who claims to judge others, says the Committee of Experts (she’s one of them and she had drama back then (so, I read) when they were discussing this stuff) done some savings by removing assistant ministers. Aha! So where is the maths? Right now, we have 222 MPs, in the proposed structure it will be 416MPs. Now, just by looking at it, what does that mean?

Then there are county assemblies all over, er not really, just 47 of them. Will she tell us that they are just restructured provincial administrations and municipal councils?

Then the Clerk of the National Assembly says there are going to be 1,000 new jobs in Parliament if the new law gets the nod in the August referendum.

I think, she’s just blinded, even scared, at the thought of the CoE document being rejected.

And when she says that in the new Constitution MPs won’t have a chance to set their salaries ‘like that’, I get the impression she told half the story. The idea according to MPs, on the advice of top legal officers, is that they approve the salaries and start getting the money pronto. When and if the ‘Greens’ take the day, then the Salaries & Remuneration Commission will have a basis upon which to set the salaries. That’s where all the noise is coming from.

Otherwise, they’d just have waited for the proposed constitution and life goes on.

I am ranting today. On days like this, I know I need a break. For real! Too much negative energy.n the advise us that theyill take care of itself.ce


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