Yes, it's a New Year!

I have been a little tied down with many things. Many things. Allow me to be vague if you ever read my blogs. But well, since November 11, 2010, I have been up and about with work. It has been a tiring moment. But well, I guess, it's over and I can now confidently say, Happy New Year!

I am well. Only that when I came back from a long working hiatus out of town, I found the same stories, the same old stupid politics, the same old lazy reporting in some newspapers, the same old...I could go on and on! Anyway, the long and short of it, is that I am glad I am back in one piece.

Before I forget, I think, it is fair if I say, I've got enough nerve. My adrenalin has kept me on toes since December 21. I've been working round the clock and well, I know, at the end of all these, I will get tired. But, I pray, not burnout. No, not again.

However, it looks like a promising year, I know I will be somewhere different, in the next three months. I can't tell where, but I know, I have that feeling, that well, change is inevitable.

Possibly, I may go back to report environment --yeah, politics is tiring, enervating and simply, silly.Economic reporting also tantalises me, I think I should go back right there or maybe just go and rear rabbits..those little cute animals. That goes to show you that I am a little crabby about the next step, because usually, thinking is the hard some would call that planning. Well, you will know when I execute the plans.
But for now, this is my first blog, let me see how the second one will roll out and how the year itself will unfold.

Without further bibble-babble, let me stop the blather and get back to work. Hoping to go on leave very very soon.


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