Snap election...

Rodgers, you asked: “If PNU pulls out of the coalition, automatically the National Accord ceases to exist and the new Constitution will demand Cabinet ministers be technocrats sourced out of Parliament plus the president and the vice-president shouldn't be MPs...from (President Mwai) Kibaki to (Prime Minister) Raila to the arrogant (deputy Prime Minister) Uhuru Kenyatta, everyone will be thrown out of I right?”

Now, you got that right! Clause 9(2) of the Sixth Schedule provides for snap elections.

I don’t know how the President and his men will handle it, because they have been preening around saying that PNU can just walk out and that will be it.

And snap elections will mean the exact scenario that you’ve painted up there…whoever comes out of the elections as the winner, will take it all.

But to the President and his men, well, the “government” that was there before the National Accord, may claim legitimacy and insist on staying on. Having seen the nominations imbroglio, do you put that beyond them?

Because the President signed the Accord as “Government/PNU”, and the PM signed it as “ODM”, then, surely elections are inevitable.

I am waiting for March 11, the day when PNU has scheduled its National Delegates Conference to see how the whole thing pans out.

But, deep down, I know one thing: This pull-out thing is a threat! The implications don’t look so rosy.At least for PNU MPs.


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