Announcing 40 Scholarships in the School of Authentic Journalism

Are you a journalist? Are you serious? Are you disciplined? Do you have a social conscience? Are you willing to learn? Do you know what you do very well and do you love it? Do you want to sharpen your skills in multimedia journalism? Are you a little 'crazy' in the way you look at things? Do you have an open mind?
If your answer to all these questions are a yes, then read on!

December 3, 2011

Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Today's the day you've been waiting for! Today we announce the availability of 40 scholarships to the School of Authentic Journalism, March 21 to 31, 2012 in Mexico.

Among the professors who have confirmed their attendance for the 2012 session are the Mexican poet and journalist Javier Sicilia, who in 2011 inspired the world's first mass movement against the "war on drugs." Also confirmed are America's foremost critic, the Vanity Fair senior writer James Wolcott, Los Angeles community organizer Paulina Gonzalez, veteran civil rights organizer Jim Lawson (who Dr. Martin Luther King called "the foremost strategist and theorist of nonviolence in the world"), Egyptian journalist and blogger Noha Atef, Tanzanian political cartoonist Nathan Mpangala, and 34 more professors experienced in journalism and in organizing civil resistance.

The School of Authentic Journalism charges no tuition for this ten-day intensive training on reporting alongside social movements, and for those scholars who wouldn't otherwise be able to afford to come to Mexico, we pay travel, food and lodging.

Completed applications for the 2012 school are due on December 28. That's less than four weeks from today. It is a very rigorous application that takes most people a couple of days of work to complete, so we recommend, if you or someone you know really wants this scholarship, that you get started on it immediately. To receive an application, write to (If you would prefer an application in Spanish, write to All sessions of the School of Authentic Journalism are translated live in Spanish and English.

We're looking for 40 talents with social conscience and work ethic to be part of the next generation of the Authentic Journalism renaissance (the 2012 session will be the fifth session of the j-school since 2003). We strongly recommend that applicants read today's announcement describing the school and its professors to be able to complete the application successfully. You can read it at:

How are we able to do this? Your donations to The Fund for Authentic Journalism, together with the matching support of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict are what make it possible. Every dollar you contribute will be doubled. If you believe we need tough and independent investigative journalism, then you know we really need tough and independent investigative journalists of the kind that we train at this school. Please support this vital project by donating today to The Fund for Authentic Journalism, via this link:

And if you have friends or family who you recommend for this unique scholarship, please encourage them to complete the application to meet the December 28 deadline in doing so.

2011 has been a year of civil resistance, from the Arab Spring to the Mexican and European Summer to the Autumn occupations from Wall Street to Main Street. Some of these mobilizations bloomed into bona fide movements (others had been built as movements all along), while others did not (or at least, not yet). Some were organized into successful civil resistances, and brought considerable advances and historic victories. Others stranded along the road without having drawn a map. Throughout them all, independent journalists, video-makers and communicators tried to report these events, also with varying results.

Among the lessons we teach is that journalists have to be better, faster and more coherent at reporting on social movements in ways that help, and not harm, their chances for success. We give them skills and tools to do that, and foster strategic thinking so that they can understand the dynamics of how movements are built to win. Movements that design themselves to "get mass media attention" almost always fail. The ones that have succeeded in recent years built their own media to supplant the power of commercial media and to be able to communicate directly with their supporters. For almost a decade, the School of Authentic Journalism has trained so many of the people around the world who are today making history happen.

Don't miss this opportunity to be one of them:

From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano

Publisher, Narco News
Founder, School of Authentic Journalism

Contribute to Narco News and The Field, Support the Fund for Authentic Journalism:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism

PO Box 1446
Easthampton, MA 01027 USA

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