After the Cabinet reshuffle and performance contracting...

I was just thinking about the reshuffle that happened last week; the one that we in the Fourth Estate have baptized ‘mini-reshuffle’.

Raila (the Prime Minister) picks Ruto and sends him to the higher education docket, previously just a department of the Ministry of Education. The PM has already blamed the 8-4-4 system as a crude one, as unproductive and as the genesis of Kenya’s problem.

Some survey report vindicated Mr Odinga. I think the survey was conducted by Uwezo, a non-governmental organisation that has been collaborating with the Ministry of Education in its work.

The Minister for Education is Prof Sam Ongeri, he who was a staunch Kanu minister and member when Mr Ruto was a strong pin in the Moi administration.

Now, these two, who share that history and were once suspended by the Prime Minister over corruption allegations, are in the same basket. Ha! It should tell you something; perhaps the PM is saying “birds of a feather flock together.”

And then Mr Ruto gets the number two slot for being in the Agriculture docket since the coalition government was formed. Performance contracting it is. So, Mr Ruto gets official recognition given that the President (and his son Jimmy) both said that he was doing great work at Agriculture.

And now the PM, while releasing the performance contracting results says the results did not figure in the fight against corruption yet the President has said it several times that the fight against graft is a ‘government policy’. Come on, what was it that you guys were awarding.

The Attorney General Amos Wako emerges number one after that UN human rights rapporteur Philip Alston called him and Ali (former Police Commissioner) as the embodiment of impunity in Kenya. Ha! Performance contracting indeed!

Where was Otieno Kajwang’, he of immigration where we now get passports at “like that” speeds? Where was John Michuki and his environment, or are the matatus (noise thing) the ones that denied Michuki, or perhaps it is the tonnes of uncollected garbage littering various parts in the city?

Why has Robinson Njeru Githae, he of Metropolitan Development taken the ministry to the dogs? Can you imagine he appears down at the bottom after he launches the planning strategy, okay, 08-09 Mutula Kilonzo (now at Justice Ministry) was the minister with his lofty ideas and more talk.

Where is the ministry of roads?

I digress, but then, this Tinga man is very smart. Just wait and see how he’s going to work out his thing. And that’s the only reason I like politics not! Too bad, Sally (Kosgei) had to bask in Ruto’s ‘glory’.


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