I didn't know that I also have the PM's status

Yesterday, as I was headed home, I got nine simultaneous calls and a text message. Of those, I only returned two. The point in the calls was that they had seen me on TV yawning at a news conference addressed by the Institute of Surveyors of Kenya.
That my yawning, made the cut on prime time news in the 'most authoritative news channel' on a Friday night should tell you that I have the same status as Prime Minister Raila Odinga. No?
As at yesterday, we can both say we shared the same platform for the same reasons! He was caught on TV yawning (and dozing), I was just yawning. That's what long working hours do to you. I think I need my leave soon. Seriously!
That should tell you about the 'media stupidity' that Esther Arunga and the PM have been complaining. People are busy discussing the crucial issue of contention over the land chapter in the proposed Constitution, yet all the reporter and the cameraman do is to focus on a yawning journalist as a fit cutaway!
We have to get serious if we have to move this country forward.
Anyway, it didn't feel bad to be seen on TV after a long hiatus...yeah Parliament is on recess. Plus I got to know that my friends and family are news conscious and they watch TV and they still remember me.


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