June oh June! What June?

What a month it has been. I have been very busy. I had a five day leave and lots of off-duties just because I had to change shifts.
Anyway, the World Cup is in south Africa and amazingly, I don't feel the zing yet. I got bored with the opening ceremony, because I was not in the mood for soccer, yet all TVs were singing ole ole ole or is it 'waka waka, it's time for Africa'.
Then, when the games began, I couldn't watch because of the awful commentary. I missed the European Championship and the likes of David Crossan. The only game I watched to the end was Germany flooring some team four goals and I even rushed on Facebook to comment.
But in between, Stanley McChrystal was kicked out of US Army, Prime Minister Raila Odinga became sick, MPs wanted to vote new laws, prisoners were given the right to vote and my pal from Sierra Leone asked me if I was among them.
Very many things happened.
It's good to be alive, no?


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